
Double roll crusher maintenance and safety technology

Maintenance of the machine is an extremely important regular work, it should be extremely closely with operations and maintenance, etc., should be full-time personnel on duty

(A) the maintenance of the machine:
1, the bearing
crushing plant bearing shoulder the entire load of the machine, so good lubrication for the bearing life of a great relationship, it directly affects the life of the machine and the

operation rate, which requires injection of lubricating oil must be clean, seal must be good, the machine The main oiling Office (1) transfer

Dynamic bearing (2) roller bearing (3) All gear (4) activities bearing, sliding plane.
2, the newly installed tires prone to loosening must always be checked.
3, pay attention to all parts of the machine is working properly.
4, pay attention to check the wear parts wear, and pay attention to replacement of worn parts.
5, put the event the device chassis plane should go out dust and other materials in order to avoid the machine encounters can not be broken material activities bearings can not

move on the bottom shelf, resulting in a serious accident.
6, the bearing temperature rise, the coal vibrating screen reasons should be eliminated immediately stopped and checked.
7, turning gears in operation should be immediately stopped if the impact of the sound check and eliminate

