
Solve jaw crusher vibrating one way

A 900 × 1200 jaw crusher for mobile screening plant limestone in the installation and commissioning, we found that the aircraft empty runs, 16t heavy jaw swinging force larger, causing the

thrust plate seat on the impact force is adjusted large, has a great body and the base felt. The thrust plate and the thrust plate between the pad wear is more than normal

level. By adjusting the tension spring, the situation is not improved.
Thus, we add a piece between the adjustment plate and the sheet conveying belt of the same size as the cushion. Power operation, the empty body and foundation felt basically

eliminated, the belt load operation, only in large blocks of limestone broken only when some felt, but much smaller than sand vibrating screen before, cushioning effect is obvious. After running a

station class and found easy adjustment plate channeling them in the adjustment plate above it after welding the two plates, eliminating the problem of adjusting plate sprang.
Through a period of operation, the conveyor belt is still intact, indicating that this digestion vibration method is feasible.

