Mainly by the linear shaker sieve box, screen frame, screen, vibrating motor, motor pedestal, vibration spring, etc., the following materials and structure of its component
parts will be briefly described.crusher plant
1, linear sieve box: thickness from a few different kinds of welded steel plate, has a certain strength and stiffness, is a major component of screening machine.
2, vibrating sieve box: pine or deformed by a smaller amount of wood, primarily used to keep screen flat to normal screening.
3, screen: a low-carbon steel, brass, bronze, stainless steel wire mesh and several kinds.
4, the vibration motor: (use and maintenance methods are detailed in vibration motor manual).
5, the motor pedestal: Install vibration motor, use the front connector screws must be tight, especially the new screening machine three days before trial, must be repeated
tightly to avoid loose causing the accident.crusher manufacturer
6, damping spring: prevent vibration transmitted ground, while supporting the full weight of the screen box, the installation, the spring must be perpendicular to the ground.
7, Stand: the four pillars and two channel components, supporting sieve box, the installation must be vertical with the ground pillars, two pillars of the following channel
should be parallel to each other.