Vibratory screening machine according to different customer requirements can be achieved screening, filtering, whole, grading effect. The vibrating sieve to achieve different screening effect in the case of vibration sieve representation of the product is not the same.
The basic operation of the vibration screening machine part is the screen surface, on which a certain shape and size sieve. Usually within a screen surface can be both products, leaving the material of the screen surface is called the sieve material, the material through the screen surface is called sieve material. Successively in several different mesh size sieving screen surface when the product is available in different levels of granularity.high frequency screen
Product obtained by sieving the number is always one more than the number of screen surface. Screening product can be appropriate sieve mesh size to represent. If a sieve, mesh size is d, then the sieve was washed with + d,-d sieve material by means; if the screen surface has two large mesh size d1, the small mesh size is d2, and the three products can be expressed as: + d1,-d1 + d2,-d2 (intermediate product can also be d1 ~ d2 or d2 ~ d1 shown) of the three, four and more of the product according the screen surface method and so on.vibrating screen machine